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Now, you can scan in an image with your Migraph hand scanner, edit it and save it as a grayscale IFF file. Then, bring it into one of the powerful new desktop publishing, video, and Multimedia production applications that givC#e you so much power to manipulate these images. We want to make sure you have an easy and fun time scanning and saving grayscale images. From our own experience of using Touch-Up 1.1 in-house doing grayscale saves of scans, here are some tips from our programming department: * After you run Touch-Up, size down its window to as narrow as you can make it. This will give you full access to the tool palette, and the handy image locator, so you can always see a strip oDf'f the image you are scanning. If you need to see more, just size the Touch-Up window larger. * If you haven't got one open already, open a CLI window, and size and move it next to the Touch-Up window. Then you can run any of the picture display programs like V or USHOW or the picture viewer that comes with WorkBench 2.0. * If you also run the AUTOPOINT utility that came with WorkBench 2.0, you won't have to click on windows to select Lathem, only move the mouse pointer over them. * Make a trial scan of the image. Remember to set the contrast wheel to a lighter setting than you would normally use. This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, run yourEJY( lutJ;For WorkBench 2.0 change Default Tool to SYS:Utilities/MoreE WORKBENCH_2.0_READMEpFKYXWVUiK ;For WorkBench 2.0 change Default Tool to SYS:Utilities/MoreE ASPECT_RATIOvpce((???8?8???|?9|?8@|???|??30000 ?{?SYS:Utilities/NotepadFILETYPE=notepad|textFONT=topaz. 8WINDOW= 0, 0,640,200wswssa)pHI‡HIE WORKBENCH_2.0.infopHׇ2((h???8?8???|?9|?8@|???|??30000 ?{?SYS:Utilities/NotepadFILETYPE=notepad|textFONT=topaz. 8WINDOW= 0, 0,640,200zEt#U ***** WorkBench 2.0 Users **************************** If you have WorkBench 1.3 or lower, you can ignore this information: Due to the way Commodore changed the screen colors in WorkBench 2.0, the colors of the icons on your Touch-Up 1.03 disk appear inverted. Also, when you run Touch-Up from either WorkBench 2.0 or the CLI, the colors of Touch-Up will be inverted. Here are two ways to fix the problem: ************************************************ To Fix (Invert) Touch-Up's IFiT***** Aspect Ratio ( PAL and NTSC ) ****************** Touch-Up can correct the display to create square pixels on video displays that distort horizontally or vertically. Adjusting for a PAL system is a good application of this capability, but it may apply to any type of display that shows oval-shaped circles onscreen. First, a little background: The horizontal size of a pixel in relation to the vertical size of that dot is known as its aspect ratio. If a pixel's width is exactly Pa1 Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update the grayscale file. * Each time you do a new sqJø΀ ΀@@ 0 1@ UUUUU^21@2`f5`f3`f6`f<`l8``p-xJP΀ ΀@@ 0 1@ UUUUU^21@2`f5`f3`f6`f<`l8``pate.iffz y(U_}T9U_?#T1U_)9ÙT9癟3U_9TU_TU_T??U_?Ts8r}$U_33183?T33=3?U_333?0Txxc?3U_TQ@can, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how to get perR4fect grayscale IFF files from Touch-Up 1.1: * (Re)scan * (Re)save as a grayscale IFF file. * Look at the grayscale IFF file from the viewer * Repeat the process until you're happy with the grayscale picture. ***** ONE MEG USERS ********************************** If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (or closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of these thin Sygs: * Clicking an icon and not getting a popup window you should be getting * Clicking a button and not getting a menu or file requester Often, you will be able to see a rectangle flashing on the screen when you press a mouse button. This rectangle should normally contain the object that is `missing.' As is always the case with the powerful Amiga multitasking DOS, you can free up more RAM by just closing or sometimes even sizing down extra windo >ws. ***** B-Spline Curve Definition ********************** After you define the shape of a B-Spline curve, you only need to click the right mouse button once -- not twice -- to turn it into a brush. ( end of file ) cale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, run your$J΀ ΀@@ 0 1@ UUUUU^21@2`f5`f3`f6`f<`l8``pntup.iffzVoĀp "d` `0  @ WN=H 2&|p> ` J4  ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_XE@@_@@o@@|M7Uv9Āp "d` `0<  @ H 2&|p> `  INVERT=Y ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_6J ΀ ΀@@ 0 1@ UUUUU^21@2`f5`f3`f6`f<`l8``p  @ zRD1?8899ǜ999998???? ?vscw{w{yxs<pZTIFFz\Vz\_ReplyMsg_RemTail_Permit_OpenLibrary_GetMsg_FreeMem_Forbidx_Enableh_DisableX_CloseLibraryD_AvailMem0_AllocMem_AddTail/,y tLN,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_NuH0,y t"oLNFL@ Nu/,y t"oN,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_Nu/,y t oN,_Nu/,y t"oL N ,_NuH0,y t"oLNLL@ NuH ,y t"o $/LN]L@Nu/,y t oL N,_NuH ,y t o LNzL@Nu/,y t"oN:,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_Nu/,y tN,_Nu/,y tLN,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_NuH0,y t"oLNL@ Nu/,y t"o / N,_Nu/,y t"o / N,_Nu/,y t"o / N,_Nu/,y t"o o N,_Nu/,y t"o / N,_Nu/,y t"oL N,_Nu `H0xhL8lX^*=z:_WritePixel\_SetRastD_SetFont,_SetDrMd_SetBPen_SetAPen_RectFill_ReadPixel_PolyDraw_OrRectRegiont_NewRegiond_MoveH_InitRastPort4_InitBitMap_FreeRaster_Flood_DrawEllipse_Draw_DisposeRegion_AreaMoveh_AreaEndT_AreaEllipse4_AreaDraw_AllocRaster_$O /,yLN,_Nu/,y oN,_Nu6_GetDiskObject_FindToolTypeH",y pL N2LDNu/,y p oN>,_NuH",y pL LNJLDNu/,y p oN,_Nu/,y p oN,_Nu/,y p oN,_Nu/,y pLLN,_Nu/,y pLLN,_Nu/,y p o / N,_Nu/,y p oL NV,_Nu/,y p oN,_Nu/,y p o / Nj,_Nu/,y p oN4,_Nu/,y pLLN(,_NuH",y`ֶU pL /NPLDNuH",y pL N"LDNu/,y p oN8,_Nu/,y pL /ND,_Nu/,y pLN,_NuH0,y pLLNL@ NuH",y pL NLDNuH0,y p oLNL@ Nu/,y p oN,_Nu 8zZ<(|hT6 _WindowToFront4_WindowLimits_SetWindowTitles_SetPointer_SetMenuStrip_RemoveGListaί_RefreshWindowFrame_RefreshGadgetst_RefreshGListT_PrintIText8_OpenWindow$_ModifyIDCMP _IntuiTextLength_GetScreenData_EndRefresh_DrawImage_DrawBorder_CloseWindowx_ClearMenuStripd_BeginRefreshP_AddGList0_ActivateWindow_ActivateGadget%/,y xLN,_Nu/,y x oNj,_Nu/,y xLNR,_Nu/,y x oN,_Nu/,y xwdNp,_Nu/,y x oN,_Nu/,y xLN,_Nu l\H0_UpfrontLayer|_UnlockLayersh_NewLayerInfoX_LockLayersD_InstallClipRegion,_DisposeLayerInfo_DeleteLayerzZ<(|hT6 _WindowToFront4_WindowLimits_SetWindowTitles_SetPointer_SetMenuStrip_RemoveGList Frc windows. ***** B-Spline Curve Definition ********************** After you define the shape of a B-Spline curve, you only need to click the right mouse button once -- not twice -- to turn it into a brush. ( end of file ) ale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, runHd cplay, not Touch-Up. Try these steps to solve your display aspect ratio problem: 1) Hook up a standard Amiga monitor. 2) Run Touch-Up. 3) Click the Clip Mode icon and the Hammer icon. 4) Go into the Page/Clip Information box and adjust the horizontal and vertical dpi eBQ0 NnHy6N@XO&@ g / / NPONR g R `/*(N0XO g/ NXOapL N]NuNU$ep/////-aN]NuNU$e"m i0B/)$/) //Ha6.NN]NuNU$ep///- Hz/-aN]Nu$edH0&o./,/$o Jf,+g$ ga Jg/ N8./ NPO,`|'G 'F$aL NuNNN)N+hN,NN.N6dN(N N0NTH(<2R@"f]W^D>0$ xrdZP*`D rNpP X8_dnRexxPort_replyRexxCmdp_asyncRexxCmd_syncRexxCmdH_dispRexxPortJ_upRexxPort_sendRexxCmdRadical Eye MinRexx 0.4rexxsyslib.libraryREXXREXX gj)B _RexxSysBase 2` 2<`2<8 /`D2|`2|` 2|^`2| oL/,y N,_NuLÉ/,y NJ,_NuLÉ/,y N,_ hL*NuLÉ/,y N,_NuLÉ/,y N,_Nu o2_ClearMem_QueueF_StrcpyN_ErrorMsg_DOSRead:_ReadF_ReadStrzNU$e @H!./09Hm09H29Hop`409H29H$/@ "/N29 HS//N 8LN]NuNU$eH1./09H29HҀl09H29Hmp`> kd'09H29H49H&/@ "/ Nh29HS//NLN]NuNU$e8H109 3"SA3 H29 4929 69///NDO 3"SA329 Ao29$HԂ3"Hҁ309$229 @.0929 H3 ;G30929H A33mg;@`0929H330929 09 H3LN]NuNU$e H? y &h2HxdHx/9!NB/ NH096H./ NOx09HrЁЀ|?@`z~`| H"l'K$yH/// N*O 298HgP0/H29EH$H69Hւ49H/B*49H///./// /B/9!NzO 09@RG09@mz09@RF09 @m^/ N\LN]NuNU$eH<"y i2"h)|29H49H69H89 HHx////Hyz///@9`409H"H/// N H"H.// NO09@09 @o<9`8 H29H/// Nz H29 H.// N^O09@EoaN@LNu$e$p3232BNaaXONuN)N8 NNNNNNCN.NNCtN$NNtN^NpN`NNNNXNNNNDN0x x T N% 4H: ..~^p,B v2n\F4^+n VLB|T4ldJ\tn@fnHB:4,  ~(  B PjZB."6, * qq9zh^,"`F>$d Z "B*V< ` f r  l _fix_fat_sliders(_remove_fat_display@_parmsetup_liposuction _fat_paint_prep_fat_display_small_pic_to_chnk2P_nonfat_imager ߾_across_dtweak_bitwidth_bwid _bhit_bitheight_atweak_down 3NU$enH009!29H4969!?@ Nboo H0929! 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This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, ifU!VWXYZ[\]^_ ` H abcdefghijklmno9 ` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `p` 7o;=|>?` ??7?o?????o?7? ?`|>=;o7 `??_o/7  ?`?@|>|>;\:qr߸l6/7 `H @@   "@"  @ @ @0@  "  @@ ` @@@@P@H @ABr嘲  @   00 (  D@@@"@"D@" @@ @  D  H @@@ @ @@0 !@ @  "` @ !@s;[\ @@ @`@ @@A@@  @   @D @ @ @ @(@B@$@@@@  @@ @@@$@@@@ @0"Pts3  @@ @((@@@@! D B  `   @@@HA   @    ( B @@ @@ @    $u1H @@@   @@@ @`@ @@ @! @@@ @  @@    @@@ @@ B@@@ @@ @    @P@@  vH:A @ @ @$@ @@   @ A@H  ``@@@@ @ @@ @ `@@$(@  @@@@@ A @  w؃f@@@   @@0@ @ @  D"D@ @@!(@  @(@@ @B@!@ D D @ @  PB @  0  D@ @@@ @Ax٢: !  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We want to make sure you have an easy and fun time scanning and saving grayscale images. From our own experience of using Touch- Up 1.01 in-house doing grayscale saves of scans, here are some tips from our programming department: * After you run Touch-Up, size down its window to as narrow as you can make it. This will give you full access to the tool pa0Dlette, and the handy image locator, so you can always see a strip of the image you are scanning. If you need to see more, just size the Touch-Up window larger. * If you haven't got one open already, open a CLI window, and size and move it next to the Touch-Up window. Then you can run any of the picture display programs like V or USHOW or the picture viewer that comes with WorkBench 2.0. * If you also run the AUTOPOINT utility that came1亂E with WorkBench 2.0, you won't have to click on windows to select them, only move the mouse pointer over them. * Make a trial scan of the image. Remember to set the contrast wheel to a lighter setting than you would normally use. This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, i23[f you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, run your Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update grayscale file. * Each time you d3'o a new scan, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how44 to get perfect grayscale IFF files from Touch-Up 1.01: * (Re)scan * (Re)save as a grayscale IFF file. * Look at the grayscale IFF file from the viewer * Repeat the process until you're happy with the grayscale picture. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** These are last-minute changes that came too late to include in the Enhancements booklet included with your version5 1.01 upgrade: **************************************************************** **************************************************************** ********* One Meg Users **************************************** If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (or closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of these things: * Clicking an icon and not getting a popup window you should be getting * Clicking a butt 6pon and not getting a menu or file requester Often, you will be able to see a rectangle flashing on the screen when you press a mouse button. This rectangle should normally contain the object that is `missing.' As is always the case with the powerful Amiga multitasking DOS, you can free up more RAM by just closing or sometimes even sizing down extra windows. ********* B-Spline Curve Definition **************************** After you define the shape of a B-Spline curve 7 n, you only need to click the right mouse button once -- not twice -- to turn it into a brush. ********* WorkBench 2.0 Users ********************************** If you have WorkBench 1.3 or lower, you can ignore this information: Due to the way Commodore changed the screen colors in WorkBench 2.0, the colors of the icons on your Touch-Up 1.01 disk appear inverted. Also, when you run Touch-Up from either WorkBench 2.0 or the CLI, the colors of Touch-Up will be inverted. Here are 8ё} two ways to fix the problem. To Fix (Invert) Touch-Up's Icon Colors for WorkBench 2.x: 1. Insert your working copy (not your master) of the Touch-Up disk into a drive. 2. Double click the Touch-Up disk icon. 3. Double click the Touch-Up drawer. The Touch-Up program icon appears. 4. Click (not double click) the Touch-Up icon. It inverts. 5. Now press and hold the right mouse button so you see the menu bar 9*>x at the top of the screen. Move the mouse pointer to `Information . . .' The Information window appears. 6. Click (not double click) the `Tool types' window. 7. Now there are two text fields labelled `Invert=N' on the screen. Click to the right of the bottom one. 8. Press the backspace key to delete the `N.' 9. Type `Y' and press the return key. 10. Click the `Save' button. Now your copy of Touch-Up version 1.01 will :pH| show the right colors to match the rest of the Workbench 2.0 palette. **************************************************************** To Invert Colors when running Touch-Up from the CLI: NOTE: This is unneccessary if you've inverted the Touch-Up icon colors as just described. Enter this at the CLI prompt: run touchup i This will invert the Touch-Up colors -- (make them correct). ************************************************************Nɑ**** (End of file) an just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how ` J4  ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_>E@@_@@o@@|M7Uv9Āp "d` `0<  @ <H 2&|p> ` TouchUp INVERT=YD `5UB`D  D D D  8?x@RXxk81 @(_oldview$e09$@gW@gS@gU@g@RgS@g@gN`JyfJyg09 H29 H//NPO`j09 H29 H//N PO`NJyfFJyf>09 H29 H//N PO`"JyfJyfN ` Jy0fN NuNU$e &H?aN :9!HڅA 0A 2?@?AJy!$gHx/9XN B094H./9XN 096H./9XN 809jH29!HҁA$R4HA$T2H6/*H/C86/(H.//8///9X/B/9!N O,`jAK.H,H A$R:HA$`p29!$vA\Cp/////r//// N JO$N aLN]NuNU$e H83a09!HA "P09!HЀA 2A 049pH69rHHx//x///9`///9\?@4?A8/I0N "o0 i2"h)|29$,H4/8H6/4HHx//x///9\///@Z/HTN @OH"o ip/@aByLN]NuNU$e H809!HA "P09!HЀA 2A 0 i2"h)|69$,HHHHx/Bd./x///9\///B6/H0N 09pH29rHHx//t///9`///9\N ^OH"o ip/@LN]NuNU$e H8Jy0fda09!HA "P&i209!HЀA 2A 0Hx/ ?@?AN POJy.g&094H// N 096H./ N O `$094H// N 096H./ N dO 09jH29$,H4/H6/H//x/// ///9!N Z09pH29rHHx//t///9`///9\N OD k(|29$,H4/H6/HHx//x///9\/// @HC$T<HC :HC`p/r//////// NHx/ NO,Jy.g&094H// N096H./ NO `$094H// N096H./ NxO 09jH29$,H49!HԂA 6HA 4H//t// m/(2///9!NRaNL N]Nu$e/09`H29bH//HxHyN09pH29rH./HxHyN09Dk$pH29rH./HxHyN09pH29rH./HxHy N#!#! y!## yN #HyN HyNHyhN HyNOD###l# #X#\#h`#dN#;POJg/9/9NPOJ gHxt/9 NPOJgHx/9NPOJg/9/9NPOJgHx!4/9NPOJg/9 /9N~PONuNU$eNN?LNNNNNNNN>hNNpN3N@NpaP\h= z 6  dHHh4| D znHp4 J J2`LfRd$ y r  n j X 4  xlb^: T0J&@6,"dBNj,X" b I vT  LnL<V\ < .2* \DR>*(^tz TjpVbD$ x l ` T H < . "  d @ & z Z L . :,HB  6  @ "   A|x\p4T2L z f>8>8,tJ&n_how_much_mem_bitmaps_and_rastports_sundo_stuff_undo_stuff_alloc_buffers `_put_into_chnkbuf_free_buffers _era_update_undo2_init_undo8 _dibufKKH49$N6/T.///L;@N &O,;@0-H2/.H//N H.HxN 2-H4/8H./?@4N H.HxN zO2-$m;B3 2-&m;C3 2/$ASB;B3 @SC;C3 094H//-N 0-H2-H4-H6-H.////-N <.N RO09$ f H/N f.HxN POLLN]Nu$e ^Nu$e RH809$ J@f609$ @fnJyf 3*4Jyg09 H29 H//N PO`09 H29 H//N 4POp33 3N ` @fJyf09gJy2fLJyLTfD09 H29 H49 H69 HÖ49"H89 HĘ////N vO09 H29 H//N p33 3N @PO`Jy0gBy0N N LNu$e09$ J@f"Jyf3Jy!,gN `N Nu$e09$ J@fByNu$e09$ f09$ @fJyg HxN XONu$ex09$ f09$ @fJyg HxN \XONu$eF09$ f09$ @fJyg HxN *XONu$e09$ f09$ @fJyg HxNXONuNU$e0- @@g[@gHS@gL]@gdS@gfS@gVS@gLMߦS@g`S@glS@gzW@gU@gS@gS@g]@g@gg`a(`at`a`a`|a`va`pa<`jHyBNPO`"Hy&HxNPO`HyHxNPO09!HA B/Hy N(O `NB` 09$ fNjN]Nu$e09$ @f JygNJNu$e09$ @f JygNPNuNU$e0- @`gS@g @gS@g `3!,`By!,N]NuNU$eV0- H/aXO09Z[@f0- `092@3209ZU@g 09ZW@f0- @Dfp`p`0- @g:@2g.@g4S@g0U@gFS@gTS@gP@{g,N$S@g(U@g:S@gHS@gD`Ha`Ba`<3!,p`DBy!,p`83!F`By!F`3!P`By!Pp092rgrf0- S@gS@gU@g@gPS@grS@g_@gU@g S@g[@gH@ gY@gD`N,`N`09$ gBN,XO`09$ gzHxNXO`nN`hHxN4XO`\09!H/NXO`JHxXNXO`>HxaXO`2HxaXO`&HxavXO`HxajXO`0- H/aXOJm g0- H`pN]Nu$eVH1>9!Jy!"gNF H"A\2(SAH4(SBH//v///N,OJy!"gNLNuNUԿ$eOXH?0>- <9$NH0-Hf Jy!bg0-3$N*HڅA$R&HA$T$HJy!bgp;@6;@4`H2H/@ "N"/ N|H"A\29pH4(HS69$NH/@ /A("ND"/(H///$/H,NHB/Np;@629$NH4H /A,"N "/,NH29rH o04(HS69$NH/@, /A4"N"/4H.//,N|HB/NO;@4p3!bA!0 H/NXO0;@2;A49n&B;C69l(C;Dx;D;D;B;C$HA .01AHmNL N]NuNU$eH309$ f pP@am f>9!09$N?@N0- S@m @l@0;N Jy!bf09!"Hg NBy!"HyNHyNHy NHyLN3!b H"A\2(H4(H./v////a`O$`HyNHyLNHyNzHy NO|`^HyN^HyLNTHyNtHy N@O|`.HyN.HyLN$Hy NHyN:O|0/@f Jy!bg09!"Hg NBy!" H"H//at H"HA ./HxaJO3! H/N .Hx/9 |NO Jmg 3Q˃!"NN$LN]NuN%hN NN3NNTNNNNNN(NN2N2NNzNNN6NNN NNN,NbN$NN |N&NNNNNNNN v V 2d~P h\J t LX~hb\*( vZ"   TrN t 4tt p^H@8,$j d&P0JS: F 8 &  n D  tnV02<f@8 Z |P@(z:*D$ R HV~2  r<$ZHxd6,#(,2DC2LT\ hNqf}~* ` *  " &8l j J DrN  | > 6> ,\88lP H vTB`_darrow_key_stuff_rarrow_key_stuff_view_st? k|uff_lock_window_vsliderp_set_work_esc_key_stuff _insert_stuff6_un_qual_key2_event_key_backspace_stuffZ_full_itB_sub_normal&_del_key_up_stuffN_hslider_draw_locator_del_key_stuff_fullwh_cliptofull_uarrow_key_stuff_shift_key_stuff~_larrow_key_stuffj_new_locator _del_downFV˶for the Workbench resolution that was in effect when you ran Touch-up. When both of these ratios are "square" (1:1), then everything is simple. Most of the time, the aspect ratio of the dots that make up your image are square. When you run Touch-Up in a Workbench mode that has non- square screen pixels (as happens with PAL interlaced displays), you have two choices. You can leave the aspect ratio of the dots in your image square with the understanding that while editing, its pixelFW \s appear "stretched." Or, you can change the vertical Dots Per Inch value so that the aspect ratio of the dots in your image matches that of your screen. The first method is the 'truest.' Use the second method when you just want to draw images, then save out an IFF file which is to be used specifically for screen display on your own system. The circle and square tools of Touch-Up's paint mode use the aspect ratio of the dots of your image to draw correctly shaped geometric brushesFX ". The circles will look circular when running in a display mode that has square screen pixels. Otherwise, circles look like eggs. When the image is saved or printed, however, the circle will be a circle. Remember, this shape distortion is caused by the display, not Touch-Up. Try these steps to solve your display aspect ratio problem: 1) Hook up a standard Amiga monitor. 2) Run Touch-Up. 3) Click the Clip Mode icon and the Hammer icon. 4) Go into the Page/Clip InformatioFYN1'n box and adjust the horizontal and vertical dpi values. Depending on your display, this may require some trial and error. For PAL, start with a value of 175 for horizontal, and 150 for vertical. 5) Click OK to exit from the Page/Clip dialog box, then click the circle tool icon. If the circle does not appear circular then repeat steps 3 & 4 until the circle appears circular on the screen. We found that when we set up the display'sF& resolution to be that of a PAL system (640x512), the circles appeared circular when the horizontal dpi was set at 175 and the vertical dpi was set at 150. Your dpi settings may be slightly different, so you'll need to experiment. (end of file) pecifically for screen display on your own system. The circle and square tools of Touch-Up's paint mode use the aspect ratio of the dots of your image to draw correctly shaped geometric brushes[NBH 2&|p> ` J4X  ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_\E@@_@@o@@|M7Uv9Āp "d` `0<  @ oH 2&|p> `  INVERT=NE Touchup.infoFpnJ΀ ΀@@ 0 1@ UUUUU^21@2`f5`f3`f6`f<`l8``p@_@@o@@|M7Uv9z_\?8899ǜ999998???? ?vscw{w{yxs<E ;WORKBENCH_2.0.infopZnĀp "d` `0  @ ap. give you so much power to manipulate these images. We want to make sure you have an easy and fun time scanning and saving grayscale images. From our own experience of using Touch-Up 1.03 in-house doing grayscale saves of scans, here are some tips from our programming department: * After you run Touch-Up, size down its window to as narrow as you can make it. This will give you full access to the tool palette, and the handy image locator, so you can always see a stbbHrip of the image you are scanning. If you need to see more, just size the Touch-Up window larger. * If you haven't got one open already, open a CLI window, and size and move it next to the Touch-Up window. Then you can run any of the picture display programs like V or USHOW or the picture viewer that comes with WorkBench 2.0. * If you also run the AUTOPOINT utility that came with WorkBench 2.0, you won't have to click on windows to sec Rlect them, only move the mouse pointer over them. * Make a trial scan of the image. Remember to set the contrast wheel to a lighter setting than you would normally use. This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, rundM( your Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update the grayscale file. * Each time you do a eJDnew scan, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how to gef#t perfect grayscale IFF files from Touch-Up 1.03: * (Re)scan * (Re)save as a grayscale IFF file. * Look at the grayscale IFF file from the viewer * Repeat the process until you're happy with the grayscale picture. ***** ONE MEG USERS ********************************** If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (or closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of thes g-Xae things: * Clicking an icon and not getting a popup window you should be getting * Clicking a button and not getting a menu or file requester Often, you will be able to see a rectangle flashing on the screen when you press a mouse button. This rectangle should normally contain the object that is `missing.' As is always the case with the powerful Amiga multitasking DOS, you can free up more RAM by just closing or sometimes even sizing down extra oj windows. ***** B-Spline Curve Definition ********************** After you define the shape of a B-Spline curve, you only need to click the right mouse button once -- not twice -- to turn it into a brush. ( end of file ) py with the grayscale picture. ***** ONE MEG USERS ********************************** If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (or closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of thesz*N?8899ǜ999998???? ?vscw{w{yxs<E V1.03-Up V1.00Up V0.92E!?`FUl?the same as its height then that dot is said to have a SQUARE (1:1) aspect ratio. If that dot has a width twice as large as its height, then its aspect ratio is 2:1. If the dot has a height three times larger than its width, the apect ratio is 1:3 . . . When running Touch-Up, two different aspect ratio values come into play. First, the aspect ratio of the dots that make up the IMAGE you're editing (determined at the image's creation). Second is the aspect ratio of the SCREEN pixels `j0 wAS GRAYSCALE **************************** Touch-Up v1.03 will save IFF grayscale pictures that you can import into other applications. This is an exciting new Touch-Up capability that opens all kinds of doors, especially for Desktop Video and Publishing producers. Now, you can scan in an image with your Migraph hand scanner, edit it and save it as a grayscale IFF file. Then, bring it into one of the powerful new desktop publishing, video, and Multimedia production applications thatm+cG AS GRAYSCALE **************************** Touch-Up v1.03 will save IFF grayscale pictures that you can import into other applications. This is an exciting new Touch-Up capability that opens all kinds of doors, especially for Desktop Video and Publishing producers. Now, you can scan in an image with your Migraph hand scanner, edit it and save it as a grayscale IFF file. Then, bring it into one of the powerful new desktop publishing, video, and Multimedia production applications thEy+olors to match the rest of the Workbench 2.0 palette. ***** TO INVERT COLORS WHEN RUNNING TOUCH-UP FROM THE CLI: ***** Enter this at the CLI prompt: run touchup i This will invert the Touch-Up colors -- (i.e. make them correct). (End of file)program icon appears. 4. Click (not double click) the Touch-Up icon. It inverts. 5. Now press and hold the right mouse button so you see the menu bar at the top of the screen. Move the mouse pn;Uat give you so much power to manipulate these images. We want to make sure you have an easy and fun time scanning and saving grayscale images. From our own experience of using Touch-Up 1.03 in-house doing grayscale saves of scans, here are some tips from our programming department: * After you run Touch-Up, size down its window to as narrow as you can make it. This will give you full access to the tool palette, and the handy image locator, so you can always see a oK@strip of the image you are scanning. If you need to see more, just size the Touch-Up window larger. * If you haven't got one open already, open a CLI window, and size and move it next to the Touch-Up window. Then you can run any of the picture display programs like V or USHOW or the picture viewer that comes with WorkBench 2.0. * If you also run the AUTOPOINT utility that came with WorkBench 2.0, you won't have to click on windows to p$\select them, only move the mouse pointer over them. * Make a trial scan of the image. Remember to set the contrast wheel to a lighter setting than you would normally use. This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't forget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, rq'un your Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update the grayscale file. * Each time you do r"Ca new scan, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how to s+get perfect grayscale IFF files from Touch-Up 1.03: * (Re)scan * (Re)save as a grayscale IFF file. * Look at the grayscale IFF file from the viewer * Repeat the process until you're happy with the grayscale picture. ***** ONE MEG USERS ********************************** If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (or closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of th `m&Eese things: * Clicking an icon and not getting a popup window you should be getting * Clicking a button and not getting a menu or file requester Often, you will be able to see a rectangle flashing on the screen when you press a mouse button. This rectangle should normally contain the object that is `missing.' As is always the case with the powerful Amiga multitasking DOS, you can free up more RAM by just closing or sometimes even sizing down extEu׍con Colors for WorkBench 2.x: 1. Insert your working copy (not your master) of the Touch-Up disk into a drive. 2. Double click the Touch-Up disk icon. 3. Double click the Touch-Up drawer. The Touch- Up program icon appears. 4. Click (not double click) the Touch-Up icon. It inverts. 5. Now press and hold the right mouse button so you see the menu bar at the top of the screen. Move the mouse pEl ` J41  ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_EԚ@@_@@o@@|M7Uv9Āp "d` `0<  @ H 2&|p> `  INVERT=N ?@3 @U@}@w@@o@@_FZn your Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update the grayscale file. * Each time you do a"J= new scan, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how to gnfĀp "d` `0  @ ~:4D`1?|uR0@"*8 "* P8 8 < 7 9@ ]Py@!* *P  ~;P ??@  8N0<p0?_@??**@<@A烁+`U_@@?***x  @ ~<?. x} ? |p @ G 0* _ ?*?**?*  b @ ?_x? H 0P 8`~=p?` 0  P b* c  *A G ?? @  ~>qr'~? ?@0' y@@?0?s    ???~?Jp/?#@ @  *@>T??sTT*π@?@A?@?AO?P h@@?U @~@b 7?U>?U hf 0T?` x +TPT@ ?U U?P8UPp  b @?W*~Ad_<U@U@  T?TT<TTa<@]0=UUU?@`@4@~BT` @T<@ \U<pTT@gŗ:Ph| P >~ vpD@PQ @  (r closing) any windows you don't actually need open. This `misbehaving' can manifest itself as any of these things: * Clicking an icon and not getting a popup window you should be getting * Clicking a button and not getting a menu or file requester Often, you will be able to see a rectangle flashing on the screen when you press a mouse button. This rectangle should normally contain the object that is `missing.' As is always the case with the pow Aerful Amiga multitasking DOS, you can free up more RAM by just closing or sometimes even sizing down extra windows. ************************************************ B-Spline Curve Definition After you define the shape of a B-Spline curve, you only need to click the right mouse button once -- not twice -- to turn it into a brush. ************************************************ WorkBench 2.0 Users If you have WorkBench 1.3 or lower, you can ignore this information: Due to the~/[̨UDRxD@ 0  @@T_U@8T@dYDC@|G@&D<D ~@qAU ?C@*?~0MU@>?&`@D .! ?DD?DD~~ bpT~p*</~~q_@l@??|xp@_~1UM@@3@?( 00 W0 `?߀U@? 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Then, bring it iO$nto one of the powerful new desktop publishing, video, and Multimedia production applications that give you so much power to manipulate these images. We want to make sure you have an easy and fun time scanning and saving grayscale images. From our own experience of using Touch-Up 1.03 in-house doing grayscale saves of scans, here are some tips from our programming department: * After you run Touch-Up, size down its window to as narrow as you can make it. This will give you /HJfull access to the tool palette, and the handy image locator, so you can always see a strip of the image you are scanning. If you need to see more, just size the Touch-Up window larger. * If you haven't got one open already, open a CLI window, and size and move it next to the Touch-Up window. Then you can run any of the picture display programs like V or USHOW or the picture viewer that comes with WorkBench 2.0. * If you also run the FAUTOPOINT utility that came with WorkBench 2.0, you won't have to click on windows to select them, only move the mouse pointer over them. * Make a trial scan of the image. Remember to set the contrast wheel to a lighter setting than you would normally use. This is very important, since grayscale images always look darker than their bit-mapped cousins. * After you have scanned the image, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon and save out. Don't fo+rget the NTSC button, if you're going for a full-screen grayscale image. * Now, run your Viewer software so that you can see the Grayscale results. Use the handy command history feature in your CLI window (press the up arrow and the return key) to see each new scan. * Go back to Touch-Up, and rescan, changing and editing as you need. Then, click the SAVE AS GRAY icon again. Double-click the last file name you gave it, to update the gramyscale file. * Each time you do a new scan, you can just go back to the CLI window, and look at your results. * It may be tempting to run another application, like your paint or desktop publishing or desktop video software concurrently with Touch-Up, but save that for after you have a pleasing grayscale scan on disk. This will leave the maximum amount of RAM available to Touch-Up, which is the best possible situation for any graphics program. So, in a nutshell, here's how to get perfect grayscale IFF files from Touch-Up 1.03: * (Re)scan * (Re)save as a grayscale IFF file. * Look at the grayscale IFF file from the viewer * Repeat the process until you're happy with the grayscale picture. ************************************************ One Meg Users If you find the program misbehaving, try sizing down (o~ VjBC@ ~*_R?W *DQW@'@pfD#@ <|ph(<? ?UCU@TD?@x/ |'_ @??|,8W@O?_ DJPV\bhn#xtz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|4YD\b &,28>DJPV\bhn4@D3f0pc`$f>ffccf~fl0f<<Df~<~000f&`<<<<<<<~~~~f<<<fffff|f<<l ||<||||l<60 ~~~| <>` f|`f|xg~p`koc|c|8ffk<0 vfnfxfvlwffffv`ffk6fLppflx<fz~`t0p3,jffffffo````ffffff5fffclfffff|ffffff~gfffffffÃ~~00 <0v0ff0 ~f`f``cffx`cgc`clff<20 f`f~0ffxkfffff<ffkfAf`f<66<2f< 0~33<````lfffffcfffff~ffffffff````ffffffsffff<|<$<8< 8x탔,q~||||||<lv 0<~~<<<<8 0xf|<~`f~c<<<;<<;>>><`l;;;;;;w<<<<<<<<<|f<<<<<>;;;;`<~0a00|<pp~~0~~0`@pp (08@HPX`hpx. 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Your dpi settings may be slightly different, so you'll need to experiment. rtion is caused by the display, not Touch-Up. Try these steps to solve your display aspect ratio problem: 1) Hook up a standard Amiga monitor. 2) Run Touch-Up. 3) Click the Clip Mode icon and the Hammer icon. 4) Go into the Page/Clip Information box and adjust the horizontal and vertical dpi  =@Qs?d?a 'Xb'|-`77wlBĀp; >q"@{~p@` } @?x ǁ?` ?zYf@O?#Cp `@} Nt pA@  _D߿`6 @xm^8dG@ ?x@={a`@8~vx<?A?}d|?}?}\>` `0`f`x0?d@&BvJ??DȠ?G>??<0?> Ûx?@<? >??`??x` 8Cm" S 00???|8<`@w@@@0>?|?870?.Kƽ@ ?` ?ێ<?p<?@`<?x0?8xE4` 0`<? 00< G O` ` `  0@ 80 0@ 0 0a 0 0`0818` as` a0 a090A0 0` ?0`F\: `8`0x?a8p`?a` ? 0 ? 0 0 a? 00? 00? 00?? 0`??8`0`?|p``? ` y`?GB<` 3`?8# `3`?$`g8`?$8`gـ?0>$paO p`%a0 0`c`0 ~80pcx1 |8?00f! xp0@f<?   ?`< ?>  0`@ 0& @0?000& 0> 0p0@0 0 |`0`&` ``?`&q0`x'3I蔟>>0?  @?p ` da8 0}`?x8 `0?p8`9?xapf |>qlp8x8|q8p` <x` <0 ` x0J:Ӏ0x<p0000~08`00`<0pp80`?pa8`p`0000p0y00`?` 0``8x< a`À00@ `` `1` g#0`p K 2"gc008pc08 10  30 cc  cc` pcc` `8p @<80?l`pA`0 a p a   À00~0< LmX0808``0x`xp`0a ?` c 8 >?pqg? 8`|g 9~  ? ?w<< ?`88 `0p ?`` >`` M. ~pp0 1p80< 380| ?p0x xx?008 ?8? ?7 ?8> | 88<8  08<00? p` <? <ǀ N}m~0 1>|s00?ǎ8#`x` ap``|c80g o ~x>? 8<x<` p>``a | `x`p ax p`c~ 0 0 9A? p> c c` ` 0| 0? <? ` |  8  0 `px  x `` ` < p| P``@~@0```~8?`@@ `@@  p003p   0p0`  F0001 !a0@0Qe{@001D #`x` `808<l` > | ~<0?a 0 4  @@8b``f@`0A @``0p 0Rϟwp08xp~8 '8@ 00``|@0`` `p0<| < 9x@@~@;?8@<?<? d<$0`#~ ~<0?a 0 4  @@8b``f@`0A @``0p 0T9???? ?? 8<|~?????~<pp  ??? ?U묲???????????? <~??`VIP??? ????????? ?x ``?0Wo? ?    ? ?  ? ?   ? ??> ?????~۔<D3"O??`p<??`p?` ?À>?` ?` 1?`<8?p p 09 0 0q 8 8 p  ?  8 8  p 08 Sǣsf~<????8>|??>>x?0?? 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READ_ME_NOW!pAdwMarch 27, 1991 Migraph Touch-Up version 1.1 for Amiga Computers ***** KEYBOARD SCAN SHORTCUTS ************************ To Scan using keyboard shortcuts: (First click the scanner icon) Scan-to-Full: press the letter "f" on the keyboard. You will still get the confirmation dialog box. Scan-to-Clip: press the letter "c" on the keyboard ***** VIDEO ASPECT RATION CORRECTIONS **************** Please read ASPECT_RATIO for information. ***** SAVING AS  "^ '(X(w}5 (n~%@\mp;N?< S f" 14/V C#i <s1+WWK^j b iht d  @ $ 3I7|q*(F %$H$IGr <N`&Q,x)N)O B&np"<0N)kJgp )@a. k"h r)IЁRBgR@UBw Sԁ SQ S Q"O/ `x)k:pRѬa#A\NA\N)@/$@ *$g,l @"()AN"* g$<N)@g @'h l/Hl h$)hNN&p` // ,g @NN4,x"lNbNJg",gN,xN|"lN .l Nupd`CpN)@gNudos.library,OH*n(n>9<9<<0H260H4Gmg`FSFgdRABdR`L?Nu,OH n(n6949~<<K8LDmdRDg`FCdRSBfLNuNUH$y"y 9 @29S$9&gSf`<fSf`.ӳafSf` $f$gQp`pLN]NuNU"9 y"ygSfp`(f Sfp`f Sfp`N]Nu yNu yNu/09<9x,Nu/09<9xF@,NuH y"y 6989D(<89D<2<)dY`ISCgSf<Sf2<<`Sf` )0<xLNuH y"y 6989D(<89D<2<)dI`YSCgSf<Sf2<<`Sf` )0<xLNuHU4^ y"y 6989D(<89D<2<9dY`SCgSf<Sf2<<`Sf`)LNuH y"y 6989D(<89D<2<9d SCgSf<Sf<`Sf`)<<*LNuH y"y 6989D(<89D<2<9d`YSCgSf<Sf2<<`Sf`)LNuNUH3.-,-L$ZE&&<$bN\L Nr$NPL NX$$+@`8p+@ RX @B-`"p+@p+@`B`p+@`p` -Jj -"-lt+B`Jg6Smp m/+H mNXO`SmHp-/ mNXO`Smp-/ mNXO`Smp m/+H mNXO` `pfp+@ -rmr`"+A+ARHmHmHm/-//NO+@pfHJg -roop`p+@Jf$"-RHmHmHm///NO+@PA+H -JoSrt&-膂t+A leJgRJjp+@+@`8Jg$-Jkխv-(-$-gRJg`Jf\Jf+A`H$-RHHl+A`,"-o+@S+H -gr0 m0fS` -fS -"Rӭ` -"Zӭ"-gSS -Jj$D`$+BpcoR oRp-$-&gRJg8Jf4 -䴀mS+@ -gr0 m̲0f SS`JfSJf, -"-o Smp-/ mNXOR`JgHx- mNXO`&JgHx+ mNXO`Jgp-/ mNXOJg -JjTHx0 mNHx. mNPOSm -hBRlHx0 mNXO`Smp m+H`p0/ mNXO` -SJk"Smp m+H`p0/ mNXO`Jg Hx. mNXOSm"Smp m+H`p0/ mNXO`Smp m+H`p0/ mNXOJg Hx. mNXOSm"Smp m+H`p0/ mNXO`-regrgfpe`pE/ mNXO -JjHx- mNXOD` Hx+ mNXOp +@S -r N+p0Ҁ - -r N++@ nJf -r lRr5/ mNXO`pf, -"-o Smp-/ mNXOR` L N]NuNUH0&m $m +mJg4p%f"fR`/ Hm/ aFO +@g$@`p/NXO`L N]NuNUH0LtvN$m -"- ` LN "L N]Nu/./R  l)H.NuNUH0&m$m B)KHm/ HzN4 lB ,L N]Nu/./R SVm lNRN r` rHlJ/NPO".NuNU/ &mB Hm / HzNHlJHxN , &mN]NupaH?La o$HLNu,.*HE8E EC0m.D Dm nJf rNuH@N F,.Nu6C?l ~Nu,.DCClDCt̂~gE N tp‚Jg EN z0H@Nu/ &o SgSfp!)@`p")@p&_NupaNuNuNUH.-&m )G$)K()m,)m0)m4)m8)m <)m$@Hl$NXOJgL<`L LN]NuNPNQH0$h "N 4BiBiJBfp/fj$h&( S `V$h&( SfpInf`NaNp$hBJBjS$hB2)H$L NYNXNu BgRB3BHB3BBF4)g\jVBk Bia`Ha.Ri`tiaaSiJkSi`BBBF/gaJFf BfSi`0 RB Bkv$( Jg xiSBk:x6 Bl281  9o"0 R1 1( SBjRiSCzgR$hG0 g SD6CkS@xQJCk0Q$hBJigS$hB2)H$L NYNXNuSBfNu|H0$&҃тdRL Nu/t?<@ B m RSWfO$NuNPNQH~0pr3@3@3@3@a| 0fi ` -f ia^ 0m> 9n8i 3F <)i/gRi`a:<) ҆Bц` .f JifbRi` Eg efPa +g -f ia 0m0 9n*:)iFi im`?)_ f $hJY! 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][2][][][3][|GDOS not present!| ][ ABORT ][3][|This will destroy|the current image!][ OK | Cancel ][2][|Do you really wish to quit?][ OK | Cancel ][3][|Image file is too big to load!|Try a Different Swap Path.][ SORRY ][3][|ERROR occurred while|Saving .GEM file!][ ABORTING! ][3][|Call Migraph and|report error 79!_e][OK][3][|Call Migraph and|report error 69!][ OK ][3][|Error while Saving|PrintMaster icons!][ Abort ][3][|Couldn't open |Printer Driver!][ Abort ][3][Error loading |resource file!][ ABORT ][2][Your image width or height has|changed a small amount. this|could be rounding error.|do you wish to wipe, adjust|or ignore the change?][ Wipe |Adjust|Ignore][1][|Duplicate PrintMaster|icon name!][ OK ][2][|Do you really want|to DELETE this file?][ Yes | No ][1][No more windows availaֈVble!|Close an unneeded window.][ OK ][0][|.IMG File Saved!][ OK ][3][|Couldn't create|temporary file!][ Oh well ][3][|That's NOT a Metafile!][ ABORT ][1][|Can't find a matching|PrintMaster SDR File!][ OK ][2][|Do you want to|Wipeout or Adjust?][ Wipe | Adjust ][3][Your PrintMaster File|doesn't have enough room|to add these icons!][ Sorry ][0][Bad PrintMaster File!][ OK ][0][|Image File Error!][ Uh-Oh ][3][|Color .IMG Files not|currently supported.|File not loaded!][ OKQ֐A ][1][|Couldn't find or open a|temporary backup File!][ OK ][3][|Requested Clip Area larger|than page! Clip Area not set.][ ABORT ][1][| Upper left corner of | Clip Area will be moved! ][ OK | Cancel ][3][|Image is too large to load!|Selecting a Swap Path with|more available room may help.][ ABORT ][3][|.IMG FILE NOT FOUND!][ ABORT ][1][|Couldn't Open ClipBoard File][ Sorry ][3][|FONT LOAD ERROR!][ ABORT ][1][|Temp Function Error!][ ABORT ][3][Error 6969. Call Migraph!][GfΒlad to Help!][3][| You've defined TOO | large an area!!! ][ SORRY ][1][|Rotated image will hang off|an edge and be truncated.][ Proceed | Cancel ][2][|Save .IMG file before|going to Outprint?][ Yes | No | Cancel ][2][|Save Failed!! Continue|shelling to Outprint?][ Yes | No ][2][|Outprint not found!|Insert disk with Outprint|into drive A to retry.][ Retry | ABORT ][3][| Clip Area too wide | for this operation! ][ ABORT ][3][| Clip Area too tall | for this operation! ][ ABORT 6n][3][|Bad File Information!|Possible ERROR 99|Contact Migraph!][ ABORT ][2][|TIFF file contains more than|one directory. Continue loading|using first directory?][ OK | ABORT ][1][|For your information:|This file contains an|Invalid Subfile Type!][ Continue | ABORT ][3][|Unsupported|compression format!][ ABORT ][3][|Unsupported|photometric value!][ ABORT ][3][|Unsupported Fill Order!][ ABORT ][3][|Unsupported Page|Orientation found!][ ABORT ][3][|Unsupported Sample|Values EAncountered!][ ABORT ][3][|Unsupported Planar|Configuration found!][ ABORT ][3][|SORRY!! Only black and|white images supported|at this time!!][ ABORT ][2][|Unsupported TAG encountered! | Continue???? ][ OK | ABORT ][3][|Invalid Strip Information!][ ABORT ][3][|Requested page size is too big!|Specify a smaller size or|Select a Swap Path|with more available room.][ Retry | ABORT ][2][|File NOT found!!!|Insert disk with file|if you wish to retry.][ Retry | Continue ][1][|Rpequested Font NOT loaded!!!][ OK ][2][|Rotated image is off the page!][ Continue | Cancel ][2][|Rotated image hangs off page|and will be clipped!][ Continue | Cancel ][2][|A TEMP File of sufficient|size could not be created!|Try rotating a smaller area.][ ABORT ][3][|An ERROR occurred while|using the TEMP file!|The resulting image data|may be corrupt!][ OK ][3][|Error Reading or Writing|To Image Swap File!][ Oh NOOOOO! ][3][|ERROR 001|Call Migraph!][ONO][3][|Laser Printer䚸 Error!][ Abort ][1][|Print From a File|Or Current Image][ File | Image ][3][|Unsupported Tiny format!][ SORRY ][1][Warning:|Continuing With|This Operation Will|Enable Paging!][ Continue | Abort ][1][|No Hand Scanner Connected!|(But Migraph Has 'em!)][2ND DAY AIR!][3][|Sorry! 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